
Beberapa modification telah dibuat bedasarkan beberapa faktor seperti clinical year dan winter season.

5.00-6.00 : Solat subuh, sarapan rohani, kekemasan diri

6.00-7.00 :Revision/preview lecture

7.00-4.00 :ILA/TBL/lecture/round

4.00-8.00 : aktiviti bebas/riadah/aktiviti pantai/aktiviti dapur/aktiviti surau

8.00-11.00 : prep

11.00 : light off

>>outing hanya selepas solat jumaat
>>tertakluk kepada perubahan dan disiplin diri :P
Sunday, November 6, 2011 | 0 comments |

Sepi Angin ke Kota London
Karya : Senibayan

Mengisahkan seorang pemuda yang berasal dari kampung, Akhbar yang mendapat tawaran untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke sebuah universiti di London. Akhbar merupakan anak kampungnya yang pertama dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti. Mungkin time tu xde lagi Skim Pelajar Cemerlang (SPC) mcm skang ni, so orang kampung sume pakat2 sumbangkan duit untuk meringankan beban kewangan Akhbar....namun takdir mengatasi segalanya, semasa Akhbar keluarkan ke bandar untuk membeli baju sejuk untuk kegunaan di London nanti, dia telah terkena tembakan peluru sesat coz time tu ade adegan tembak menembak antara polis ngan perompak....dia meninggal, so hanya khabar angin je yang menyatakan dia ke Kota London...

Latar masa : lebih kurang zaman tahun 70-an atau awal 80-an
Latar tempat : sebuah kampung di utara tanah air
Latar masyarakat : masyarakat melayu kampung yang hidup dalam kesederhanaan tapi mempunyai semangat tolong menolong yang tinggi

Kisah ini menjadi sumber inspirasiku untuk menuntut ilmu di Iskandariah ni,
Just tukar Kota London kepada Kota Iskandariah....maka jadilah
Sepi Angin ke Kota Iskandariah....
Saturday, September 10, 2011 | 0 comments |
...andainya dihitung amalanku, belum pasti dapat kuhampiri gerbang syurgaMu, oh tuhan yang Maha Pemurah, hindari diriku dari siksaMu...


  1. Nak bagi soalan Male External Genital Organ, coz aritu soalan ni tak dipotostat skali.
  2. Nak bg jawapan soalan2 yg dipotostat tempoh hari...sori coz kertas tu susunan soalan dye berterabur, x ikut susunan....
Akhir kata, terima kasih atas segalanya, maaf atas segala kelemahan dan kekurangan...

Ikhlaskan hatimu
All the best
.:as-sabru dhiya':.

Monday, June 27, 2011 | 0 comments |

Assalamualaikum wbt

Nak tgk video dulu pon xpe, nak straight bace pon xpe...

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin memohon maaf andai penulisan saya kali ini mengguris hati sesiapa yg membacanya. Ketahuilah bahawa tidak ada manusia yg perfect di dunia ini melainkan Nabi kita, Muhammad s.a.w. Saya hanyalah sekadar menjalankan amanah yg diberikan kepada sy sbg ketua lecture B, takut nanti Allah persoalkan kat akhirat nanti…

“Kamu melihat tapi apakah yg kamu lakukan untuk membetulkannya dengan kuasa”

So apa la yg saya nak jawab ngan Allah time tu….

Sekarang lecture cuma berbaki 2 minggu je lagi…Sebelum tu, apakah itu lecture? Apa yg saya paham lecture ialah proses di mana seorang guru/org alim menyampaikan ilmunya kepada orang2 yg mendengarnya…Kira mcm majlis ilmu jugak la…

Kalau mcm tu, practical pon mcm lecture jugak la coz ade tutorial??

Ye, betul…

Kat sini, university wajibkan kehadiran ke lecture??

X wajib pon, practical je yg wajb…

So what??

Xde la, Cuma nak ajak sahabat2 semua datang lecture, tinggal 2 minggu lagi, last tu untuk pre-clinical…xnak menyesal di kemudian hari…Lagi pon MARA dah bayar yuran 8000 USD tu termasuklah lecture n practical. So kalau x dtg lecture, rugi je la duit yg untuk lecture tu, baik bagi kat org lain yg lebih memerlukan kalau kita tidak gunakan dgn sebaiknya…

Jangan ingat x dtg lecture tu x study langsung!!!

Ok2, mana ade mcm tu, kita kene berbaik sangka sesama kita…Ade je certain subjek tu bace sendiri pon bole, even bila exam dpt high marks…kalah org yg dtg lecture, tp ingatlah, dalam hal ini org yg dtg lecture dgn hati yg ikhlas insya Allah lebih UNTUNG…

UNTUNG ape pulak ni???

Ade la….

Pre-clinical not interesting la, nanti clinical year siap la aku buat betul2!!!

Bagus la, ada wawasan…tp kalau dari skarang x berubah, agak susah la nak berubah di kemudian hari… Setiap yg kita lalui sekarang ni, ade relate yg masa lampau kita, dan setiap perbuatan kita pada masa sekarang ni, akan effect masa hadapan kita…

Letih r petang2, busy, byk keje la!!!

Semua org letih, semua org byk keje, semua org ade assignment….tp Prof or lecturer bersemangat je dtg petang2 nak bagi ilmu kat kita…sy nak tanya, penah x prof dye gabungkan dua lecture sekali (lecture A n B) time lecture pagi so that prof x payah susah2 nak dtg time petang untuk ajar mende yg sama…so patuhilah jadual lecture masing2…

Hang ni bajet bagus r tulis2 blog ni, lantak org la nak dtg lecture ke x!!!

“Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang hendak kamu dustakan”


-Yuran 8000 usd MARA siap bank-in kan, x payah susah2 nak pegang duit sebanyak tu pegi jumpe admin nak bayar yuran mcm kat sekolah rendah…

-Elaun bulanan, 420 usd

-Dpt menjadi medical student, ramai yg apply medic, tp x dpt

-Perjalanan ke lecture yg setakat ni Alhamdulillah selamat…x macam sahabat2 kita kat Palestin yg terpaksa melalui byk halangan untuk menuntut ilmu

-Kenderaan persendirian mahupun kenderaan awam

-Nikmat kesihatan….bersukan dan beriadah bole menyihatkan tubuh badan, so kalau betul sihat, pukul 8 pagi mesti dah ade kat dewan lecture, bukan masih hanyut dibuai mimpi, bukan usolli fardhu subhi rak’ataini qada’an…

So jom kita penuhkan dewan lecture 2 minggu yg last ni, biar kita berhimpit2, ukhuwah bukan sekadar di padang, ukhuwah juga dalam dewan lecture…

Yang baik itu daripada Allah swt, yang x baik adalah daripada kelemahan saya sbg hamba yg lemah…

p/s: kalau sy ade salah, bole komen kat bawah ni…chat box pon bole

Thursday, June 2, 2011 | 2 comments |
Nak kata mcm asrama x jugak, university life

3.30 pagi (+/- 30 minit) : bangun pagi, solat subuh, sarapan rohani etc.

4.30 pagi : PREParation ( revise coming/past lecture or practical, sarapan, kekemasan diri etc.)

7.00 pagi - 4.00 petang : Lecture/practical/study ckit2/lunch (tempat Mouassah or CC)

4.00 petang - 7.00 malam : Aktiviti pelajar (BEBAS)

7.00 malam - 9.00 malam : Aktiviti surau/kerohanian, PREP malam

9.00 malam - 10.00 malam : PREP malam

10.00 or 10.30 malam : light off

**outing lepas solat Jumaat
**tertakluk kepada perubahan....

Monday, May 30, 2011 | 4 comments |

Hadapi, Hayati dan Nikmati....

Ikhlaskan hatimu...
All the best untuk semua....

.:as-sabru dhiya':.
Monday, May 23, 2011 | 0 comments |

Sebenarnya untuk post kali ni xde kene mengena pon ngan title di atas.

PMSB.....ProGram Mengingat/Menghafal Sambil BerAMAL

Mengingat ape? Hafal ape? Beramal ape pulak ni?

Hafal soalan midterm n then kumpulkan n then publish.

Xpe ke? Bukan soalan tu sulit ke? Makruh ke?

Mungkin membawa keluar kertas soalan daripada dewan exam adalah prohibited, tp kalau soalan tu dalam brain kita, xkan kita nak tinggalkan brain kita dalam dewan exam...

Ok la, last...ape 'significant'nya soalan ni?

Bergantung la kalau tgk kepada sem lepas, hampir separuh drpd batch 3rd year yg mengdownload soalan2 tersebut.

Ok untuk midterm endocrine, ade 50 soalan, so...
soalan 1-10 (section ...)
soalan 11-30 (section 5)
soalan 31-50 (section 6)
Monday, April 25, 2011 | 1 comments |





























































Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 0 comments |

Coming soon...

Souvenir Kenang-kenangan Pre-Clinical

Insya Allah...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 | 0 comments |

Parasitology 2009

1.a 40 years old man hunting several month in central Africa, localized inflammed area on the dorsum of his left hand. Complain of remittent fever, headache, and anorexia. Enlargement of spleen and cervical lymph nodes.

a)Most possible diagnosis.

-African trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness)T. brucei rhodesiense

b)How this condition is acquired.

-Through bite of Glossina fly that introduced infective stage metacyctic trypomastigote into the patients blood.

c)What would the aspirate from the lymph nodes reveals.

-trypomastigote stage

d)Drug of choice of this diseases

-for haemolytic phase :suramine & pentamidine

-if there is CNS involvement, use melarsoprol, insya Allah kheir

e)Prognosis of that condition.

-good as it is not reach the terminal stages yet which is involvement of CNS and also CSF

2. A young female patient , inflammation of the eye, she used a contact lens, reveal severe keratitis. Scraping from the lesion of the cornea revealed a trophic parasite with spiky pseudopodia.

a)What is that parasite.


b)What is the infective stage.

-both trophozoite and cysts.

c)How was the infection is acquired.

-through entry of the trophozoites or cystic stages by inhalation of dust or water

-through broken skin, cornea, and genito-urinary tract.

d)Other organs commonly affected by this organism.

-CNS (granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis)

-skin (ulcer)

e)Treatment of the ocular lesion


3.In a form of differentiation.

(a) Oocyst of Cryptosporidia and Isospora belli

Oocyst of Cryptosporidia

Oocyst of Isospora belli

-contains four naked sporozoites

-contains two mature sporocysts, each with four sporozoites

-thinned wall oocysts for internal autoinfection

-thicked wall oocysts for external autoinfection

-maturation of oocysts occur outside the body

(b) True and pseudocysts of Toxoplasma gondii

True cysts


-contains of bradyzoites

-contains tachyzoites

-occur after acute condition subsides and as immunity of the host develops

-occur after repeated division (endodyogeny)

(c) Intracellular & extracellular parasite that can be seen in a blood film as regards diagnostic morphology.

Extracellular parasite (Trypanosoma)

Intracellular parasite (Malaria)

(d) Two parasites affecting CNS as regard mode of infection and diagnostic stage.

Naegleria fowleri


-during swimming or bathing in contaminated water

-through entry of the trophic or cystic forms by inhalation of dust or water

-amoeboid form of trophozoite

-both trophozoite and cyst

(e) Hepatic and erythrocytic Plasmodium schizonts.

Hepatic Plasmodium schizonts

Erythrocytic Plasmodium schizonts

-inside the hepatic cells

-inside the red blood cells

-contains thousands of merozoites

-undergo repeated schizogonic cycle

4. Give reason.

(a) Absence of trophozoites and schizonts from the peripheral blood of a patient infected with Plasmodium falciparum.

-Because they form a knobs, stick to the intima of the capillaries.

(b) In visceral Leishmaniasis, Leshmanin test become positive only after recovery.

-Because during the active course of the disease, the cellular immunity which is responsible for fighting this disease (T-cell) are depressed.

(c) In diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, positive IgG is not a value and diagnosis should depend on positive IgM.

-Positive IgG have no significance because it is most probably passively tranferred from the mother.

-Positive IgM is more significance since it cannot pass through the placental barrier due to its high molecular weight thus its presence denotes that it is manufactured by the infant itself indicating active infection.

(d) Malabsorption syndrome can occur in giardiasis.

-It is due to blockage of the mucosal cells by the attachment of the numerous Giardia lamblia organisms by their sucking discs of the mucous membrane.

-It is also due to inflammation of the epithelial cells hindering their absorptive function.

(e) For diagnosis of a wet sore biopsy should be taken from the edge of the ulcer.

-To get the postive sample which is to detect the amostigote form from the smear.

-Smear from the floor of the ulcer are usually negative due to secondary infection.

Parasitology 2010

1.A young woman, fatty diarrhea and flatulence. Her appetite had remained quite good but she had lost 5kg and her energy was decreased. On stool examination, an infective agent was found.

(a) Most possible diagnosis.

-Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia)

(b) How this condition is acquired.

-ingestion of contaminated food or drink containing the infective stage which is cysts.

-direct infection form man to man

-external autoinfection

-mechanical transmission by houseflies

(c) What does stool examination reveal, describe the stage found.

-diarrhoeic stool reveal vegetative form (diagnostic stage)

-well formed stool reveal cysts form (both diagnostic and infective stage)

(d) Mechanism of fatty diarrhea

-It is due to blockage of the mucosal cells by the attachment of the numerous Giardia lamblia organisms by their sucking discs of the mucous membrane.

-It is also due to inflammation of the epithelial cells hindering their absorptive function.

2. A 3 year old child living in El-Agamy, he has high remittent fever, dysentry which does not respond to antipyretics and intestinal antiseptics. On examination, there were enlarged spleen, liver, and generalized lymphadenopathy. There is anemia, leucopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Stool examination was negative for parasites.

(a) Most possible diagnosis.

-visceral leishmaniasis

(b) How to confirm the diagnosis.

-based on history and clinical picture (intermittent fever, enlarge LN,spleen, liver and anemia)

-take biopsy from bone marrow, spleen, LN (reveal amastigote)

-iliac crest puncture is most suitable for children

-immunological method :ELISA, IFAT

-formol gel test

(c) Pathogenesis of dysentry.

- Necrosis of the epithelial lining of large intestine, erosion into the deeper tissue forming the ulcer.

-The mucosa in between the ulcer is healthy.

-Blood and mucous will pass in the stool.

(d) Treatment of this case.


3. In the table form, differentiate between

(a) Two protozoa causing eye lesion as regard infective stage and one diagnostic test.

Toxoplasma Gondii


-pseudocyst/cyst/mature oocyst

-both trophozoite and cyst

-immunological method (ELISA,IFAT,IHAT)

-scraping from the lesions

-culture seeded with Escherichia coli

(b) Dry and wet sore as regard the causative parasite and lesion description.

Dry sore

Wet sore

-Leishmania tropica

-Leishmania major

-small papule or nodule, heal with or without ulceration

-small itchy papule, initially are dry and lastly become wet

(c) Parasitic stage of P.vivex and P.falciparum in the blood film.

parasitic stages of P.vivax,ade kesemua stages. bukan 2 shj mcm P.falciparum. enumerate sume but describe 2 stages yg sme shj iaitu ring & gametocyte.



Ring stage

-Fills 1/3 of RBC

-very small, fills 1/6 RBC

-multiple infection


-spherical, compact fill the RBC.

-host cell is enlarged with Schuffner’s dots

-cresent or banana-shaped appear in peripheral blood

4. Give reasons.

(a) Relapse does not occur in malaria caused by blood transfusion.

-In this condition, the srythrocytic stages are passed from infected blood to the recipient initiating immediately erythrocyte cycle, without passing through the hepatic cycle.

(b) Dilaxonide furoate is the drug of choice for treatment of amoebic carrier.

-Its is the luminal amoebicides that acting primarily on organisms in the colonic lumen mainly cysts passers.

(c) Control of sleeping sickness in East Africa is much more difficult than in West Africa.

-Because of the extreme virulence of the organisms, patients die before the sleeping sickness stage is reached.

-Although the CNS is involved early, death usually occurs less than a year in untreated person.

-control depends on reservoirs hosts

Thursday, January 20, 2011 | 6 comments |