
Assalamualaikum, insya Allah kita akan menghadapi midterm exam para pada 25/12/2010...
Insya Allah,rasa2nya 10 soalan, tp x taw la yg official mcm mana...

baiklah,di sini ade beberapa contoh soalan daripada lecturer kita, dulu dah dipost kat dalam alexmed, tp bukan sume topik,just topik tertentu je..sori kualiti gambar yg tidak memuaskan....

Akhir kata, selamat menjawab soalan trial para ni, dan Good Luck to all...
Semoga Allah memudahkan urusan menjawab...
Monday, December 20, 2010 | 2 comments |

Alhamdulillah....sume student 3rd year IUMP telah pon selamat menghadapi ujian praktikal parasitology bagi sem 5 ini...tahniah diucapkan...

Rasa2nya sume dah present assignment para...So skang ni cume tinggal 2 event je lagi, iaitu midterm para II bagi mencukupkan lg 10 markah yg dijadualkan 2 minggu dari skang, Insya Allah kalau xde perubahan pape...

Event yg last untuk para bagi sem ni ialah final exam....

Rakan2 sume sgt bertuah kerana terpilih oleh Allah swt dgn dikurniakan kekuatan dan kelapangan masa sehingga dapat menghadirkan diri sepanjang lecture dan 4 minggu praktikal para, syukur Alhamdulillah....

Bittaufiq wannajah for coming exam (another subjects)....
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | 0 comments |
Assalamualaikum wbt...

Begitu cepat masa berlalu, sekarang kita dah pon berada di penghujung practical para untuk sem ini....Minggu depan dah nak practical di sini saya nyatakan format untuk practical exam para....

-Jumlah slide yg akan ditanya : 10 slides (lebih kurang)
-Soalan yg akan ditanya : Identify the slide & give only 2 characteristic features
-Jumlah markah : 15 markah

So total slide yg kita belajar ialah 23...hanya 10 sahaja yg akan masuk...all the best sume..
Maaf atas segala kekurangan...

Sebelum tu, terimalah sedikit souvineir daripada kami untuk anda semua yg sudi membaca blog ini...

gambar revision tdi...

Sepi Angin ke Kota Iskandariah 2....
Monday, December 6, 2010 | 0 comments |
Assalamualaikum wbt...

Skang kita semakin menghampiri penghujung praktikal para, minggu depan adalah praktikal para yg last untuk sem ni Insya Allah kalau xde pape perubahan...

Ok, minggu ni ada 6 slide : 1 stool protozoa (Balantidium coli), 1 urogenital protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis) and 4 blood & tissue protozoa (Leishmania and Trypanosoma)

Balantidium coli (stool)

Cyst of B.coli
size : largest protozoa...B for big...big insya Allah Big Hug ok je,selamat...
shape : oval to rounded
nucleus : macronucleus (kidney shaped), micronucleus

Trichomonas vaginalis (urogenital)

Trophozoite of T.vaginalis
shape : oval with single nucleus
flagella :5 (4 free flagella, 1 undulating membrane)
-presence of axostyle
-not pass in the stool, so no cyst form in this protozoa.


Amastigote in smear*
shape : small rounded or oval
-present inside or outside the macrophage cells
-no flagella, just nucleus and kinetoplast
-*smear from human spleen or other reticuloendothelial system...

Promatigote from culture**
shape : spindle
-free flagellum directed anteriorly, originating from kinetoplast which situated in the anterior
-sometimes found in rosette shape
-**found in culture or in phlebotomus.

Trypanosoma Gambiense of Rhodesiense or African Trypanosoma

Trypomastigote in a Blood Film
shape : pleomorphic
-central nucleus and small subterminal kinetoplast
-numerous in the field

Trypanosoma cruzi or American Trypanosoma

Trypomastigote in a Blood Film
shape : C-shaped (c for cruzi)
-large subterminal kinetoplast
-scanty in the field

ok tamat,bertemu lagi pada praktikal yg akan dtg Insya Allah...
Jazakallah kepada kawan2 yg telah menyumbangkan gambar slide....
Mcm biasa,kalau ade salah,sila bgtau,sy akan perbetulkan...
Monday, November 29, 2010 | 0 comments |
Assalamualaikum wbt...

Alhamdulillah kerana masih diberi pinjaman umur sehingga dpt menghadirkan diri ke kelas praktikal para,untuk kali ke 3 bagi sem ni....

Baiklah,minggu ni ade 6 slides untuk stool protozoa : 2 E.histolytica, 2 E.coli dan 2 Giardia Lamblia

Entamoeba histolytica

1. Trophozoite/tissue form of E.histolytica
shape :indefinite with pseudopods
cytoplasm : granular, contain black discs of RBCs (endoplasm), clear halo (ectoplasm)
nucleus :single, vesicular, central karyosome

2. Cyst of E.histolytica
shape :rounded
cytoplasm : chromatoid body, clear halo
nucleus : 4 nuclei, vesicular, central karyosome

Entamoeba coli

1. Vegetative form/trophozoite of E.coli
shape : indefinite
cytoplasm : foamy
nucleus : single, spheroidal, eccentric karyosome

2. Cyst of E.coli
shape : spherical
cytoplasm : chromatoid body
nucleus : 8 nuclei, eccentric karyosome

Giardia lamblia

1. Trophozoite of Giardia lamblia
shape : pear-shaped,bilaterally symmetrical
flagella : 4 pairs
nucleus : 2 oval nuclei with large central karyosome
others : 2 axonemes, 2 parabasal body

2. Cyst of Giardia lamblia
shape : oval, thick cyst wall
nucleus : 4 nuclei grouped at one pole
others : remnants of flagella, axonemes and parabasal bodies

ok tamat,bertemu lagi pada praktikal yg akan dtg Insya Allah...
Jazakallah kepada kawan2 yg telah menyumbangkan gambar slide....
Mcm biasa,kalau ade salah,sila bgtau,sy akan perbetulkan...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 | 2 comments |
Assalamualaikum wbt...

Alhamdulillah dgn limpah kurnia serta keizinanNya dapat jugak kita menghadirkan diri ke practical Para untuk kali ke-2...

Baiklah,minggu ni ada 8 slide malaria :vivex (4),falciparum (2) , malariae dan ovale masing2 1 slide..


1.Ring Stage
-RBC: slightly normal
-shape : ring shaped + chromatin dot
-others :vacuole without schuffner's dots

2.Trophozoite stage
-RBC: enlarged
-shape : amoeboid + chromatin dot
-others : vacoule with schuffner's dots

-RBC: enlarged
-shape : rounded mass,compact cytoplasm filling red cell
-others :no vacuole but schuffner's dots are present

-RBC : enlarged
-content : 12-24 chromatin dot/merozoite
-others: schuffner's dots are present

P.malariae (only one)

Schizont of P.Malariae
-RBC : normal size
-content : 6-12 chromatin dots arranged in rosette shape
tu je...

P.ovale (pon satu jugak)

Gametocyte of P.ovale
-shape : rounded with fimbriated end
-NOT filling the RBC...
-Schuffner's dots are present

P.falciparum (2 slide)

Ring stage of P.falciparum
-RBC :slightly normal in size
-content : more than chromatin dots
-multiple infection can occur in one RBC

ni last slide,
Gametocyte of P.falciparum
-RBC : normal in size
-banana in shape!!!

ok tamat,bertemu lagi pada praktikal yg akan dtg...
Jazakallah kepada kawan2 yg telah menyumbangkan gambar slide....
Mcm biasa,kalau ade salah,sila bgtau,sy akan perbetulkan...

Kadang2 apa yg kita rancang tak semestinya akan terlaksana dgn 'smooth'nya,walaubagaimanapon perancangan Allah jualah yg sebaik2 perancangan...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 | 0 comments |
Thursday, October 28, 2010 | 0 comments |

Assalamualaikum sume...

This is our first practical session of parasitology for this 5th sem...
Arini belajar 3 slide je,so jom kite tgk slide ape....

ok ni slide yg 1st,

ni la tachyzoites of Toxoplasma Gondii,
cresent in shape, one end pointed, one end lagi rounded,
nucleus pulak rounded dan located near rounded end...
size x payah la ek...

ok 2nd slide pulak...
ni pulak tissue cyst of toxoplasma gondii,
rounded,surrounded by tough cyst wall,
containing numerous bradyzoites...

last slide for today...

these are oocyst of cryptosporidia,
ni gune modified Ziehl Neelsen stain ni,
try perhatikan betul2...
ade bintik2 yg rounded pink red kan...
so tu la oocyst...

ok la,ni just percubaan je,sori kalau gambar x clear, kalau nak lebih info or tip2 mcm mana nak ingat,bole la rujuk Islahmujahidin...Sepi Angin ke Kota Iskandariah masih baru lg...

Kalau ade salah,bole la komen kat bawah ni..

Monday, October 25, 2010 | 4 comments |