
Assalamualaikum wbt...

Alhamdulillah kerana masih diberi pinjaman umur sehingga dpt menghadirkan diri ke kelas praktikal para,untuk kali ke 3 bagi sem ni....

Baiklah,minggu ni ade 6 slides untuk stool protozoa : 2 E.histolytica, 2 E.coli dan 2 Giardia Lamblia

Entamoeba histolytica

1. Trophozoite/tissue form of E.histolytica
shape :indefinite with pseudopods
cytoplasm : granular, contain black discs of RBCs (endoplasm), clear halo (ectoplasm)
nucleus :single, vesicular, central karyosome

2. Cyst of E.histolytica
shape :rounded
cytoplasm : chromatoid body, clear halo
nucleus : 4 nuclei, vesicular, central karyosome

Entamoeba coli

1. Vegetative form/trophozoite of E.coli
shape : indefinite
cytoplasm : foamy
nucleus : single, spheroidal, eccentric karyosome

2. Cyst of E.coli
shape : spherical
cytoplasm : chromatoid body
nucleus : 8 nuclei, eccentric karyosome

Giardia lamblia

1. Trophozoite of Giardia lamblia
shape : pear-shaped,bilaterally symmetrical
flagella : 4 pairs
nucleus : 2 oval nuclei with large central karyosome
others : 2 axonemes, 2 parabasal body

2. Cyst of Giardia lamblia
shape : oval, thick cyst wall
nucleus : 4 nuclei grouped at one pole
others : remnants of flagella, axonemes and parabasal bodies

ok tamat,bertemu lagi pada praktikal yg akan dtg Insya Allah...
Jazakallah kepada kawan2 yg telah menyumbangkan gambar slide....
Mcm biasa,kalau ade salah,sila bgtau,sy akan perbetulkan...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 | 2 comments |


  1. ibn MK
    December 12, 2010 at 4:03 AM

    t.k. daun keladi,,moga sahamnya kekal abadi''

  1. Sepi Angin ke Kota Iskandariah 2
    December 13, 2010 at 7:49 AM

    Insya Allah...
    Ya Allah, jauhkanlah dari hati kami dari sifat takabbur dan riak...

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